Something Real Status Report

The other night I attended a mixer for Reel Women of Austin, an organization which supports and mentors women filmmakers. I told them about my project and there seemed to be a lot of interest. I got some good information, a lead for a venue and some potential films to consider. It’s really amazing what people are up to in the world. One of the filmmakers is doing a feature on the rise of feminine energy and universal shift predicted by the Mayans.

I’m really concerned about the venue. Originally, I had thought of doing it at the Alamo because it is my favorite theater, but, upon further reflection, I decided on the Regal Arbor Cinema. That’s really the go to place for independent film. So I put in a call today, but the manager was out until Monday.

Then I need to write up a request for submissions, something I don’t have any experience doing. I also need to consider putting up a web site of some kind.

If I stop to think about what I’m trying to do, I get overwhelmed and afraid. So I guess I won’t think about it and just do the next thing that needs to get done.

2 Comments on "Something Real Status Report"

  1. Smarty says:

    Sometimes the best way to get things done is to act like an ant carrying bread crumbs.

    I like to make lists and then feel accomplished when I can check things off. However, my lists usually include things like: finish reading manga, watch that stack of DVDs, or bake cookies. (I’m so accomplished!)

  2. Echo says:

    This sounds tremendously exciting, and it’s not a bad thing that it’s pushing your boundaries. I’m eager to hear about it as it moves along.

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